Available Resources
A list of resources for new developers on Cardano to get answers and explore the ecosystem.
A list of resources for new developers on Cardano to get answers and explore the ecosystem.
Table of Content
Cardano Developer Portal
A good place to get started: Link

Plutus Pioneer Program
If you want to learn Plutus in depth then this program consisting of 10 lectures with 1h+ videos and assignments.

Documentation of Plutus functions. Useful if you need to dig into what each function within Plutus does.
Cardano Stack Exchange
A good place to get your dev questions answered. This has also become a wealth of knowledge for the developer troubleshooting their problems here
Cardano Forum
Cardano Essentials
Cardano Essentials slides published at the end of 2022
Link to the Cardano Essentials Website
Cardano Cube
A high-level guide to the Cardano Ecosystem
Haskell Book
Learn you a Haskell - online book
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