Cardano Nodes

Energy to the datacenter is provided from a wind farms in Delfzijl and Zeeland (Krammer and Bouwdokken) and a solar energy park in Delfzijl Sunport - The closest city is Groningen in the northern Netherlands

Dynamic Strategies operates nodes on the Cardano Blockchain to test and deploy DApps to the Cardano Blockchain. Operating nodes is essential to the decentralizing of the network and they give our DApps direct access to the blockchain, without the need to rely a third-party provider.


We are part of the Single Pool Alliance where we are committed to only ever run 1 block producing node on the back of infrastructure that we need for our applications to communicate with the Cardano blockchain

Stats on the external pages (external links):

What are Nodes?

Cardano Logo

A Blockchain is a web of Nodes that are connected to each other. All Nodes in the Blockchain need to agree on what the true state of what the blockchain is keeping a record of.

The Cardano Node is therefore an element of the blockchain, it is the core component that enables our participation in the Cardano blockchain. By running a Cardano node we contribute to the network by our mere presence, and the more Nodes there are the more the decentralized the network becomes

The word Node and Stake Pool can be used interchangeably without loss of generality. The difference between them is that a Node can be a Relay node, or a Block Producing node, whereas a Stake pool is a combination of at least 1 Relay node (and often more) and at least 1 Block producing node. The stake pool needs to be reliable so that the it can produce a block whenever it randomly gets allocated its go

The following infographic illustrates the mechanics:

  • The Cardano Network is a large number of Nodes that are constantly talking to to each other over the internet. And their purpose is to communicate what ever it has witnessed and ensure that everyone else agrees with it (aka reaching consensus)
  • Our Stake Pool is part of this Network. The Relay Nodes talk to everyone everyone else in the Network and keep the Block Producing Node protected The Block Producing Node only talks to the Relay nodes and its job is to produce blocks when its slot arrives. With the launch of Smart Contracts on Cardano this Node will process their business logic
  • The Blockchain is an immutable sequence of blocks (can not be changed) and its subsistence depends on nodes like ours. The Blockchain grows over time as new blocks get created