Amount of ada to Stake
Input the amount of ada that you are looking to stake
- Staking Reward per Year Ada
- loading stake pools ...
- Annualized Staking Reward
- loading stake pools ...
You can delegate your ADA to a staking pool and automatically and regularly receive rewards for doing so.
This calculator is based on a Monte Carlo simulation and real-time data from the Cardano mainnet.
You can set arbitrary values, select real existing staking pools or set virtual values yourself.
Learn more about Proof of Stake delegations of your ada and Operating a staking pool.
+Staking Pools
Compare up to 3 stake pools between themselves. Check how much Staking rewards is expected for the operator and the delegators (you). Uses a Monte Carlo simulation to account for luck and shows the expected Low, Medium and High reward for each pool.
Select a Pool Ticker #1:
Blocks Minted
Years Active
# Delegators
Min Fee
Expected Return
Select a Pool Ticker #2:
Blocks Minted
Years Active
# Delegators
Min Fee
Expected Return
Select a Pool Ticker #3:
Blocks Minted
Years Active
# Delegators
Min Fee
Expected Return
+Stake Pool Parameters
These parameters are specific to each stake pool and influence how the rewards are distributed between the operator of the pool and the delegators, and also how many blocks the pool is expected to mint each epoch. Expand to change these parameters and see impact on rewards
Pool Pledge
Delegators' Stake
Total Pool Stake
Pool Fixed Costs
Pool Variable Fee
+Blockchain Parameters
These parameters are specific to the Cardano blockchain and affect the total size of reward "pot" available for distribution and how it is distributed to different pools. Some parameters can be changed with a community vote (Dynamic Parameters) and some can't be changed at all (Static Parameters)
Dynamic Parameters
Dynamic blockchain parameters can be adjusted through governance processes. These parameters can be used to change the operation of the block-producing protocol, vary transaction fees, define the influence of pledge, etc. Press the (i) icon to see what each one is responsible for.
Static Parameters
Static parameters affect the fundamentals of the Cardano protocol and are stable, which means that they can not be changed except via a hard fork. Static parameters include those defining the genesis block or basic security properties, for example. Some of these parameters may be embedded in the source code or implemented as software.
Days in an Epoch
Epochs in a Year
Slots in an Epoch
Chain Density
Blocks per Epoch
Max Ada Supply
Current Ada Supply
Reserve Ada
Total Staked Ada
Fees & Remaining Reserves
Cardano uses a transaction fee system that covers the processing and long-term storage cost of transactions. Fees from each epoch are pooled and then distributed to all pools that created blocks during an epoch. The fees are supplemented by a distribution of a % (rho) from reserves.
Fees per Epoch
Distribution from Reserve
Gross Reward
Distribution to Treasury
Net Rewards to Pools
version: 25.02.3